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Showing 1-25 of 1637 matching measures Show all
Measure Name First Author Year Published Compare
21-Item Dietary Fat Screener for Adolescents Prochaska JJ 2001
24 Hour Dietary Recall for 9 Year Olds Baxter SD 2017
24 Hour Dietary Recall for Toddlers Beaton E 2018
24-Hour Activity Diary Rodriguez G 2002
24-Hour Dietary Recall Assisted by Food Record (CATCH) Lytle LA 1993
24-Hour Dietary Recall Interviews of Students Fulkerson JA 2008
24-Hour Dietary Recall Using EPIC-Soft for 7 to 13 Year Olds Trolle E 2011
24-Hour Dietary Recall for 10 Year Olds Nicklas TA 2003
24-Hour Dietary Recall for 10 Year Olds (Bogalusa Heart Study) Nicklas TA 1992
24-Hour Dietary Recall for 10 to 17 Year Olds St George SM 2016
24-Hour Dietary Recall for 3 to 4 Year Olds Baranowski T 1991
24-Hour Dietary Recall for 4 to 11 Year Olds Fisher JO 2000
24-Hour Dietary Recall for 4 to 12 Year Olds Zive MM 2002
24-Hour Dietary Recall for 4 to 7 Year Olds Johnson RK 1996
24-Hour Dietary Recall for 4 to 7 Year Olds Basch CE 1990
24-Hour Dietary Recall for 4 to 7 Year Olds (In-Person, by Telephone) Hajduk CL 1996
24-Hour Dietary Recall for 4th Graders Baxter SD 2002
24-Hour Dietary Recall for 7 to 11 Year Olds (APPLES Study) Sahota P 2001
24-Hour Dietary Recall for 8 to 10 Year Olds (DISC) van Horn LV 1993
24-Hour Dietary Recall for 9 to 10 Year Olds Crawford PB 1994
24-Hour Dietary Recall for Adolescents and Adults Karvetti RL 1985
24-Hour Dietary Recall for Indigenous and non-Indigenous 10 to 12 Year Olds Louie JC 2012
24-Hour Dietary Recall for Low-income Minority Children Garcia-Dominic O 2010
24-Hour Dietary Recall for Preschoolers Iannotti RJ 1994
24-Hour Dietary Recall for Preschoolers Klesges RC 1987