At A Glance

Noteworthy Characteristics

  • Source of height and weight data recorded.
  • Provides state-level data on height, weight, diet, physical activity, and sedentary behaviors for children and adolescents.
  • Adult respondents are asked to measure child’s height and weight, and call-back surveys are performed to collect measured height and weight data from respondent.



To collect data about health conditions and behavioral risks of children and adolescents in North Carolina.

Target Population

Children ages 17 years and younger living in households in the state of North Carolina.


Began in 2005. Conducted annually. Most recent year conducted was 2013-2014.


North Carolina Division of Public Health, Department of Health and Human Services

Special Note(s)

NC-CHAMP is a follow-up survey to the Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System (BRFSS). See also Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System (BRFSS) and the North Carolina State Center for Health Statistics BRFSS.

Survey is conducted by telephone. Parents or other caregivers provide responses for children of all ages, including adolescents. In 2009, the North Carolina BRFSS added a cell phone component to its landline survey.

System Contact:
NC CHAMP Coordinator
Phone: +1 (919) 855-4494
Fax: +1 (919) 715-7899


Sample Design

Cross-sectional with stratified random digit dialing sampling. In North Carolina, children were selected from households participating in the Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System (BRFSS) using disproportionate stratified random digit dialing sampling. Minority oversampling through BRFSS.
Learn more about the sampling design for the North Carolina survey.

Sample Size

In North Carolina, surveys were completed for approximately 2,400 children and adolescents in 2009.

Special Note(s)

Eligible children for the CHAMP survey are drawn from the BRFSS survey of adults. Adult respondents with children living in their households are invited to participate in the CHAMP survey. One child in each household is randomly selected.

Key Variables


NameMethods of Assessment
Child’s age and gradeInterview/questionnaire
Child’s race/ethnicityInterview/questionnaire
Child’s sexInterview/questionnaire
Household incomeInterview/questionnaire
Participation in Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) and Special Supplemental Nutrition Program for Women, Infants, and Children (WIC)Interview/questionnaire


NameMethods of Assessment
Daily consumption of 100% fruit juiceInterview/questionnaire
Daily consumption of fruit Interview/questionnaire
Daily consumption of sweetened beverages Interview/questionnaire
Daily consumption of vegetables Interview/questionnaire
Duration of breastfeedingInterview/questionnaire
Frequency of fast food consumptionInterview/questionnaire
Weekly consumption of whole-grain foodsInterview/questionnaire
↑ Collapse

Physical Activity-Related

NameMethods of Assessment
Frequency and distance of walking or bicycling to schoolInterview/questionnaire
Time spent in physically active play each day and use of community play facilities outside of school Interview/questionnaire
Time spent in television viewing (daily)Interview/questionnaire


NameMethods of Assessment
Actions taken by respondent to improve child’s diet and physical activityInterview/questionnaire
Respondent’s perception of child’s weightInterview/questionnaire
Weight and height (and source of this information)Interview/questionnaire


NameMethods of Assessment

Data Access and Cost

Data Availability

Contact to obtain public-use CHAMP data for North Carolina. Learn about public-use data for the North Carolina CHAMP.


Free of charge.


Geocode Variable(s)


Existing Linkages

None noted.

Selected Publications

Click here for a full list of publications.


Herrick H, Miles DR, Sullivan C. Does breastfeeding reduce the risk of child overweight in North Carolina? SCHS Studies, No. 164, October 2010.

Physical Activity-Related

Evenson KR, Satinsky SB, Aytur SA, Rodriguez DA. Planning for pedestrians and bicyclists in North Carolina. Popular Government 2009 Fall;14-21.


Devlin L, Plescia M. The public health challenge of obesity in North Carolina. North Carolina Medical Journal 2006;67(4):278-282.

Miles DR, Ford CA, Herrick H, Mizelle E, Sanderson M. Children with special health care needs 2006-2007: A report from the North Carolina Child Health Assessment and Monitoring Program. Raleigh (NC): North Carolina Department of Health and Human Services, February 2010.

North Carolina Institute of Medicine. Prevention for the Health of North Carolina: Prevention Action Plan. Morrisville (NC): North Carolina Institute of Medicine, 2009.


Miles DR, Herrick H, Ford CA. The North Carolina Child Health Assessment and Monitoring Program: Survey methodology and data collection. SCHS Statistical Primer May 2010;No.18.




Survey Results